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December 6 - 11AM SERVICE

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December 6 - 11AM SERVICE

06 dez - 2020 • 11:00 > 06 dez - 2020 • 12:15


Event description

To our brothers and sisters of Calvary International Church

The purpose of this letter is to inform you about the protocols and procedures we are instituting in order to ensure -- to the best of our ability – the safety of our people as well as submission to our civil leaders.  Once again, we want to ask you all for charitable attitudes that show grace to one another.  We will have differing opinions and perspectives about what is needed and what is appropriate – some will think we are being too restrictive while others would prefer that we go further in our provisions – but let us agree to show grace to each other and not judge the choices of our brothers and sisters.   Our desire is to continue to provide an opportunity for worship for those who choose to attend virtually as well as for those who are able to come in person. 
To this end we have put together the following questions with answers. Please take the time to read them thoroughly as we prepare for this joyful reunion!

What will the Sunday morning schedule be like?
We will hold two services each Sunday morning with the first beginning at 9h00 and the second at 11h00.  The services will be slightly shorter than in the past, with each one lasting about an hour and fifteen minutes.  This will allow 45 minutes between the services for attendees to leave and arrive, and for the cleaning crew to sanitize the building.
What will I need to do differently?
>  Read this information carefully.
>  Wear a mask at all times while at the church building, unless you are ministering on the stage.
>  You will enter through the main doors of the church, but everyone will exit through the side corridor that runs along the piano side of the sanctuary.

How will we make sure that we do not pass the legal limit of attendees?
>  Since we are limited by governmental guidelines as to how many people we may accommodate for a service, each person who wishes to attend must register ahead of time, for only one service per Sunday, on a weekly basis, by accessing the link posted on our website and in all our social media.  The link will also be available by email upon request.  Registration will only open the Monday morning before each Sunday.
>  Follow the instructions at the link site, which will include creating a free Sympla account to access your tickets.
>  One person is able to register for themselves and all family members who will accompany them.
>  On Sunday morning each person must have their ticket available – either a printed copy or on their cell phone.

What about visitors?
We are reserving a few seats each service for visitors who may show up without knowing that they needed to pre-register.
Who may attend the services?
Our services are open to all, and everyone is welcome to attend. Medical personnel continue to remind us that the elderly as well as those who have underlying medical issues may be more susceptible to the coronavirus. However, each person is free to make the decision to attend or not attend according to their conscience and preference.
We do ask that those experiencing symptoms that may be related to the coronavirus – diagnosed or not – wait until they are symptom-free before attending our services.
Children younger than 16 years of age must be accompanied and monitored by a parent, and should sit with their family during the service.

Will there be changes to the service itself?
Yes, there will be some minor changes:
>  For the first few weeks of meeting together in person we will not celebrate communion. After we have settled into a routine and understand our new look we will add communion back in to our regular worship.
>  We will not be passing the offering baskets. Instead, there will be a receptacle in the foyer where people may place offerings. As always we continue to accept deposits directly to the church bank account.
>  Prayer ministers will be available IN THE PATIO during the closing worship in each service.
>  We will continue to have zoom prayer rooms available for those who will attend virtually.

What about nursery and children’s programs? 
As of now until further notice we will not have any other activities or ministries at the church building on Sundays. This applies to Sunday School, nursery, junior church, and community group meetings.

What safety protocols will be in place?
>  Everyone will be required to wear a mask while at the church building – this includes during the services.
>  The pastor and worship team will lead without masks, but as soon as they leave the stage they will put their masks back on.
>  Hand sanitizer will be available and easily accessible all around the church building – including two foot-operated dispensers.
>  Before the early service and between the services the public areas of the church will be thoroughly cleaned.Each chair will be sanitized along with all door handles and places that are often touched.
>  The main doors to the building will be propped open in order to minimize the number of people touching the door handles. During the services the glass doors will be propped open, the windows will be slightly ajar, and the air conditioning will be running in an attempt to keep the space well ventilated.
>  Worshippers will be asked to space themselves out around the sanctuary. Families of course may sit together.
>  We ask that everyone show love and concern for others by refraining from physical greetings – handshakes, hugs, “beijinho,” etc. Please do not even ask if others are open to such greetings, as it could create awkwardness and uncomfortable situations.
>  We ask each worshipper to bring their own Bible. The church Bibles will be removed from the sanctuary until further notice.
>  No water fountains will be in use, though sealed cups of water will be available as needed. At the same time we encourage each person to bring their own water bottle from home and remove them following the service.
>  After the service worshippers are asked to remain seated until dismissed by the pastor.  Conversation in small groups (no more than 3 or 4) will be welcomed for 15 minutes after the close of the service in the open areas of the church.  Please take care to not block entrances or exits.

Questions, suggestions or need clarification?
Please feel free to email Douglas Pek, our administrator using [email protected]

Thank you for reading this information. We are so excited to see one another again as we continue to love Christ, learn truth, and live grace, while glorifying God through multiplying, discipling, equipping, and sending.

Pr Nathanael and the deacons at Calvary.

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Calvary International Church

Rua Barão do Triunfo, 1670 Brooklin

São Paulo, SP

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