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01 fev - 2024 • 09:00 > 03 fev - 2024 • 17:00

Online Event via Cultura Inglesa

Event description


3 days
14 sponsors & partners
13 venues
95 hours
209 sessions
81 guest speakers
81 Cultura Inglesa speakers
29 ELT community speakers
1600+ tickets sold so far... and counting!!

The Cultura Inglesa Teachers’ Conference is an annual conference for English Language Teachers organised by Cultura Inglesa. Originally from São Paulo, Brazil, Cultura Inglesa currently operates in 7 states of the country: São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, Goiás, Espírito Santo, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, besides Brasília - DF.

In 2024, the Cultura Inglesa Teachers’ Conference will be open to the public from start to finish, celebrating Cultura Inglesa’s 90th anniversary. Under the theme Designing Experiences & Transforming Learning, the conference will take place online on Thu 1 February (10.00 - 20.15) and Fri 2 February 2024 (10.00 - 17.00), and face to face on Sat 3 February 2024 (10.00 - 16.15), in different venues spread over the country: SP, RJ, BA, ES, SC, RS and DF.

And on top of the 70+ renowned national and international guest speakers brought in by our sponsors and partners, another 150 ELT professionals will be presenting - 115 from Cultura Inglesa and 35 from our community - isn't that great?!! The full programme will be available soon.

So stay tuned for the website updates  coming out every week until the day of the event. And don't miss out on this opportunity to advance further in your teaching career.

Event policy

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Você poderá editar o participante de um ingresso apenas uma vez. Essa opção ficará disponível até 24 horas antes do início do evento.

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How to access the event

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About the producer


Cultura Inglesa

A Cultura Inglesa é uma das marcas mais inovadoras e premiadas do mercado de idiomas. Atuamos há 89 anos em território brasileiro, com forte presença em 9 estados, oferecendo um ensino de qualidade, aliado à iniciativas sociais, tecnologia e inovação. Nosso compromisso é disseminar a língua inglesa no Brasil para promover mudanças de impacto social, cultural e econômico.

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