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04 out - 2019 • 08:00 > 08 out - 2019 • 19:00


Descrição do evento

Here you can register for the LMI VI Excursions using the Register button on the right panel. Please remember that foreign attendees may only pay via credit card. 

Cancellations: Requests for cancellations with a refund minus a 25% processing fee will only be accepted through September 1. Cancellation requests need to be sent via e-mail to [email protected] and to [email protected] clearly marked “LMI VI” Those who fail to attend and do not notify [email protected] prior to the September 1 deadline will forfeit their full registration fees.
Choose between the options below:

1.    Araguainha Impact Structure:              Fee: R$2200 (US $550)

Two 5-day excursions to the 40 km Araguainha Impact Structure, located ca. 800 km west of Brasília, will be offered during the week before the conference and directly following the conference. The pre-conference excursion on September 23–27 and the post-conference excursion on October 4–8 will be led by Natalia Hauser and Uwe Reimold.

The excursion will proceed from Brasilia westward through the scenic landscape of the state of Goias into the northeasternmost part of the Paraná Basin. The impact structure is located at the border between the states of Goiás and Mato Grosso. The regional stratigraphy but predominantly the impact generated deformation and impactites will be examined for 3 days. 

The excursions will feature 1 full-day hike through the interior of the central uplift, which will be somewhat taxing for participants, as the temperatures may be well above 30 °C. Good hiking-boots are advised and, as usually when on field work in Brazil, all participants are strongly encouraged to wear snake-protection (perneiras). 

Please note that the excursion fee is largely determined by expensive bus transport, and the costs for that are forced on us by the poor state of the single road across the Araguainha Dome.                        

2.    Vargeão Dome and Vista Alegre Structures:      Fee: R$2600 (US$650)

There are several impact structures in the southern part of the Paraná Basin, including the 12 km wide Vargeão Dome and the 9.5 km Vista Alegre structure. Both are formed in sandstone and basalt targets of the Paraná Basin sequence. There will be a 5 day excursion to these two structures following the conference on October 4–8 lead by Alvaro Crósta and Elder Yokoyama. This excursion involves air travel from Brasília to southern Brazil. 

Participants will be able to see different types of impact breccias in basalt, as well as unique examples of shatter cones formed in basalt. No long hikes are planned and the outcrops to be visited are within short walking distances. Hiking boots or sturdy sport shoes are recommended.

Please note that the excursion fee is largely determined by airfares from Brasília to the city of Chapecó, located ca. 1,700 km (1,000 miles) away. 

Note: In order for a given excursion to take place a minimum of 10 participants is required and logistics limit maximum participation to 25 for each excursion. There are offers of two excursions to Araguainha – pre- and post-conference. As the Indication of Interest poll indicated an overwhelming interest in the pre-conference excursion, the Local Organizing Committee is asking to consider a shift of some preferences to the post-conference one. Only one excursion (post-conference) will examine the Vista Alegre and Vargeao impact structures in the southern Paraná Basin.

Successful registration for any of these excursions depends on quick subscription, as places will be allocated on a strict first-come, first-registered basis. Note that there were more than 80 Indications of Interest for the pre-conference excursion to Araguainha but there are only combined 50 places for the two Araguainha excursions available.


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