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Innovation Week 2020

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Innovation Week 2020

18 nov - 2020 • 15:00 > 19 nov - 2020 • 22:00

Evento Online via Own virtual platform

Descrição do evento

One in-between place to (re)imagine and build futures

Do you also feel that we are stuck in time, without being able to find alternatives for the crisis? A feeling that we have to reinvent the world, and we do not know how? What emerges, then, is an invitation (almost urgent!) to the imagination – the ability that “allows us to think about ourselves differently than we are,” would the historian Giulio Argan say.

No institution was prepared for the Covid-19 outbreak, even though pandemics are not new in history. What should we have done preventively? And what has been stopping us from moving forward? These are great questions to exchange ideas and give a “move over” in the crisis of imagination! Finding ways out and possibilities for the future. Thinking in ideas good enough to be questioned, improved, and put into practice.

Thinking of ourselves differently than we are, puts us in a transition state between what we have been until now and what we can be from now on. Let us explore this in-between place, this transition space populated by both old issues that remain – hunger, poverty, violence – and new issues that challenge us –the future of work and leisure at distance, technology ethics, the balance between health and economy.

How to boost this transition? What post-pandemic world do we want? How to act creatively solving public problems? What if the State adopted principles of the circular economy? How to consider the dynamics of demographic transitions in the formulation of public policies? How does the diffusion of online interactive technologies affect institutions? How will the State deal with the ethical challenges of artificial intelligence?

The Innovation Week 2020 invites you to this collaborative and questioning moment of reimagining futures! (Re)imagination is to transform the world!

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O GNova é o laboratório de inovação pioneiro do governo federal brasileiro. Nascemos em agosto de 2016 como resultado de uma parceria entre a Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (Enap), o Ministério do Planejamento, Desenvolvimento e Gestão (MP) e o governo da Dinamarca para a criação de um espaço voltado ao desenvolvimento de soluções com menos burocracia e mais eficiência para os serviços públicos.

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