16 jan - 2023 • 16:00 > 20 jan - 2023 • 19:00
16 jan - 2023 • 16:00 > 20 jan - 2023 • 19:00
The III Global Burnout Awareness Week will take place between January 16 and 20, 2023, with live streaming panels on Youtube. The event will host more than 20 international panels, in English and Portuguese, with burnout experts and people who have experienced it firsthand. world in recent decades. Among the confirmed panelists is Professor Michael P. Leiter, PhD, one of the leading burnout researchers in the world.
The purpose of Global Burnout Awareness Week is to promote trustworthy information about the burnout, combating the stigma that surrounds it, in addition informing the public of the known causes, consequences and recovery strategies. The theme of this third edition is "The struggle in the pursuit of dignity", addressing the social, organizational and cultural dimensions of workers' health, taking into account medical, psychological and labor factors.
In the last edition, in November 2021, the event had more than 600 subscribers and panelists from 6 countries (in English and Portuguese), with more than 20 hours of free content openly available online to the general public.
The III Global Burnout Awareness Week is a non-profit event, and registration is free.
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III Global Burnout Awareness Week
Organized by: Carol Milters: author, "My Morning Pages: Chronicles of living through Burnout", "One Step a Day: Meditations to begin again, whenever ou need", and organizer of the support group for people going through burnout and creator of the Global Burnout Awareness Week. Regina Souza: clinical and organizational psychologist and master's student in psychology Instituto Bem do Estar: a non-profit organization that promotes mental health in Brazil
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