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Dentistry in 2020BC (Before COVID) and 2020AD (After Distancing)

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Dentistry in 2020BC (Before COVID) and 2020AD (After Distancing)

14 set - 2020 • 13:00 > 14 set - 2020 • 14:30

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Join The Ohio State Brazil Gateway and Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) as we host a conversation on biosafety protocols in dental clinics during COVID-19. The idea is to share experiences from faculty members at Ohio State and at UFRN.

Returning to activities in dental clinics during COVID-19 is being discussed by many sectors, including by institutions of higher education. New protocols have to be implemented by all areas in dentistry, similarly to what happened during the surge of HIV when changes were needed for the safety of those involved in various dental procedures. A complete new challenge has been brought with the COVID-19 pandemic. This challege requires rethinking and formulating biosafety protocols that still allow quality of care. LabNEMO (Laboratory of Surgical Microscopy) at UFRN and the Ohio State College of Dentistry will share their plans and discuss biosafety protocols for the reopening of their clinical activities, allowing exchanges and collaborations that are essencial at times like these. 

ATTENTION: The event will be on Monday, September 14, 12-1:30pm (ET) / 1-2:30pm (BRT). * Our team is studying the possibility of simultaneous interpretation of Portuguese and English.


Purnima Kumar, BDS, MS, PhD

Dr. Kumar is a Professor of Periodontology at The Ohio State University. She received her dental degree from Annamalai University in India, and her Masters in Periodontology and PhD in Molecular Microbiology from Ohio State. She is a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology. In addition to her clinical practice, Dr. Kumar maintains an active research program in human microbial ecology that is funded through the NIH and industry partners. She is currently the co-director of the DDS/PhD program and the co-PI of the institutional T32 training grant and has served on several grant review panels for the NIH. She has mentored several pre-dental, dental, master’s, doctoral and post-doctoral students and several junior faculty colleagues. She is a Fellow of The Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) program. She presently serves as the Chair of the Continuing Education Oversight Committee for the American Academy of Periodontology, is a member of the Taskforce for Women in Periodontics. She is also the official spokesperson for the ADA on e-cigarettes and vaping. Dr. Kumar has also served on various committees of IADR/AADR and has authored over 50 papers and book chapters. 


Gustavo Henrique Apolinário Vieira, BS, MS, PhD

Dr. Vieira is Professor of undergraduate programs at UFRN and teaches pharmacology applied to dentistry, scientific research methodology, integrated clinics and biological and social determinants of biofilmdependent diseases. He graduated in dentistry from the UFRN (2009) and holds specializations in Periodontics from the Brazilian Association of Dentistry (2012) and in Implantology from Paulista State University-UNESP (2017). Vieira also holds a master's degree in Dentistry from the Federal University of Ceará-UFC (2012), and a PhD from the University of São Paulo-USP, with a sandwich visiting scholar period at University of Pennsylvania (2016). Dr. Vieira has experience in Dentistry, with emphasis on Periodontics focusing on periodontal disease, biomaterials, immediate loading, gingival retraction, host modulation, genetic expression and inflammatory response.

10min - Welcome and open remarks
25min - Ohio State
25min - UFRN
20min - Q&A
10min - Closing

Join the event by registering and share with those who might be interested. See you on Monday, September 14, 12-1:30pm (ET) / 1-2:30pm (BRT). 

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The Ohio State Brazil Gateway

The Ohio State Brazil Gateway serves as an embassy for The Ohio State University in Brazil and focuses on promoting connections and facilitating opportunities for students and those interested in Ohio State's programs, for faculty and researchers interested in collaborations, for alumni who want to engage the Buckeye family, and for partners in academia, industry, government and the third sector.

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