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Cambridge Day 2020 - Day 4 (23/07)
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Cambridge Day 2020 - Day 4 (23/07)

23 jul - 2020 • 14:00 > 19:00

Evento Online


Cambridge Day 2020 - Online Experience - Day 4 (23/07)

During times of uncertainty, network collaboration is essential for building brighter futures. Spend five days with us by watching sessions that will help you support and develop students' language from home, and prepare you to be ready for anything! 

Also check:

Day 1 (20/07)

Day 2 (21/07)

Day 3 (22/07)

Day 5 (24/07)

Join us for the fourth day of live talks from leading ELT experts:

All the times quoted below are in Brazilian Time (BRT).


Programme - Thursday 23 July - The times quoted for the sessions are in Brazilian Time (BRT)

Niall Curry | 14h

Addressing a unique language learning challenge: language learning anxieties and virtual classrooms

It is well evidenced that language learning evokes a unique form of language learning anxiety. In this current climate of uncertainty, it is increasingly important that we take into account the relevance and potential impact of such learning anxieties on our learners. Understanding how such anxieties emerge and how they can be practically addressed to support learning is a challenge faced by each teacher. Therefore, in this talk, Niall explores how we can support our learners to manage their language learning anxieties remotely, bringing together existing research and translating it into practical guidance for teachers and learners.


Alberto Costa | 15h15

Top resources for teaching, learning and assessment

We strongly believe that good preparation for teaching, learning and assessing learners depends on effective teacher support. In order to meet teachers’ expectations, and in response to the Covid-19 situation, Cambridge Assessment English and Cambridge University Press joined forces to put together a range of materials which you can easily access, download and use with your students. Apart from downloadable resources, you can also choose from a range of online activities and apps. You will also be introduced to online tools for writing practice with immediate feedback, to teaching and digital frameworks for your professional development and many more!


Yasmin Hanspall | 16h

Cambridge English exams - Supporting Teachers and Learners after the COVID-19 Impact

We help millions of people learn English and prove their skills to the world. In this talk we will explore our range of qualifications and tests for language learners and teachers. We will also describe how we have responded to the Covid-19 situation to help our exam centres prepare and run exams safely in accordance with local regulations and international best practice.

Dra. Kátia Nakazone Ono | 17h – 17h20

Estresse amigo (session in Portuguese)

Passamos a vida toda ouvindo que não podemos nos estressar, que temos que reduzir o estresse e que estresse faz mal, não é verdade? Estudos comprovam que podemos utilizar o estresse para termos mais saúde e realizações, vamos descobrir como?


Joaquin Triandafilide | 17h30

Effective Online Teaching - Brain-Friendly Strategies

Teachers all over the world are being asked to redefine the way they work to respond to the challenges of COVID-19 and massive online teaching for hundreds of students in quarantine. In this presentation, we will first identify some potential barriers both teachers and students may face in the new learning environment, based on Neuroscience and research evidence. Then we will introduce a number of brain-friendly strategies that will surely help young and adult learners to be successful while experiencing distance language learning. Come join me and let us uncover together some of the best advice the science of the brain wants to share at one of the most demanding moments educators have to face.


Don’t miss out, register now!

1. Take a look at our programme and see which sessions* you would like to attend.

2. Select which one you wish to attend and click on "Continuar" below.


*You may register for more than one session at the same time.


Maximise this opportunity

If you attend our ELT specific sessions, you will be entitled to receive a certificate of attendance for your professional development.


Food for Thought

As part of the Cambridge Day events, we request the participants and our partners to donate food to local institutions. As a way of continuing to support social actions that reflect the Cambridge University Press Brasil - Food for Thought project, in this edition, we will support Ação da Cidadania, an institution that has been working since 2003 to combat hunger and poverty in Brazil.


Together we can rise to future challenges and build a brighter future.

Get ready

Watch our 2019 sessions to get ready for 2020!

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Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press é reconhecida como a primeira editora do mundo, uma organização sem fins lucrativos que reverte todo o seu capital em pesquisas e em publicações com fins educacionais e compartilha da missão da universidade em desenvolver o potencial das pessoas.

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