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Mysterium coniunctionis and Alchemy with God and the angels on the Tree of life

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Mysterium coniunctionis and Alchemy with God and the angels on the Tree of life

See how we can get in touch with them

Por Dóris M. Fabiano

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God and the angels on the Tree of life how can we connect to them

In order to improve the quality of human life, God proposes, through meditation called active imagination, the improvement of our quality of life in all its aspects, through the knowledge of the 10 Spheres and the 22 paths between them. They are also known as the paths of the Tarot.

You will benefit yourself from the vibrations of the Garden of Eden brought through the practice of active imagination by Ein Sof (the most subtle God), the Great Mother, Adam and Eve.

Follow how the initiation of the Tree of Life happens through contact with the 10 angels, leaders of the spheres.

Are they:











Learn about the effects of using the method that Ein Sof taught, by which we can clear the paths of the Tree of Life.

The book Garden of Eden: Blessings of Paradise talks about the details in applying this method.

It is an easy method by which we access the 10 Spheres of the Tree of Life within us and so we can better develop the paths of creation that are derived from Adam Kadmon and therefore are our model and our spiritual anatomy.

Through these points in the body, in specific places we can have contact with the 32 dimensions of our creation and have a high level of knowledge about these dimensions in us and thus improve our quality of life.


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Dóris M. Fabiano

Terapeuta artistica (UNIP) e vibracional (UNIFRAN) trabalha há 20 anos com a imaginação ativa junguiana facilitando para as pessoas o contato com o divino através de livros, workshops, da prática da Alquimia com produtos vegetais usados nos sabonetes artesanais vegetais, em flores, argilas, óleos, óleos essenciais. A mitologia grega, hindu, egípcia, a Cabala são os fundamentos de seu trabalho assim como a psicologia arquetípica e o trabalho com sonhos.

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